The Hacker's Language

Language, in short it's a mean to communicate with each other, people generally talk with each other by using sentences, phrases, etc, etc, there are many different languages which can be found spoken all over and around the world. Basically, every different country has its own language, so its not possible for others to communicate with them and also it's very hard for a person to learn every those such languages. For this people had made a common language, which can be used to communicate with each and everyone, i.e., English.

Hackers have also found there own language, which they basically use to communicate with each other. The Hacker's language used by the hackers to communicate with each other hackers is 'leet'. For example , leet spelling of the word leet include 1337 and l33t. It was originally created by a groups of chatters/gamers in early 1980s, it was developed to frustrate text filters created by BBS or Internet Chat System Operators.

Its a cryptic writing language used to shorten the messages or rather as a form of encryption to hide the actual meaning. The main purpose of this was to prevent others from discouraging them from the discussion of some proscribed topics like hacking, cracking, many more.

Some examples of leet speaking:

  • n00b for noob/newbie
  • d00d for dude
  • m0n3y for money
  • H3LLo for hello
  • W3lc0m3 for Welcome
  • h4x0r for hacker

You can use this for creating your own

  • A = 4, /-\, @, ^, /\ , //-\\, ci
  • B = 8, ]3, ]8, |3, |8, ]]3, 13
  • C = (, { , [[, <, €
  • D = ), [}, |), |}, |>, [>, ]]), Ð
  • E = 3, ii, €
  • F = |=,(=, ]]=, ph
  • G = 6, 9, (_>, [[6, &
  • H = #, |-|, (-), )-(, }{, }-{, {-}, /-/, \-\, |~|, []-[], ]]-[[
  • I = 1, !, |, ][, []
  • J = _|, u|, ;_[], ;_[[
  • K = |<, |{, ][<, ]]<, []<
  • L = |,1, |_, []_, ][_, £
  • M = /\/\, |\/|, [\/], (\/), /V\, []V[], \\\, (T), ^^, .\\, //., ][\\//][,
  • N = /\/, |\|, (\), /|/, [\], {\}, ][\][, []\[], ~
  • O = 0, (), [], <>, *, [[]]
  • P = |D, |*, |>, []D, ][D
  • Q = commas are necessary: (,) or 0, or O, or O\ or []\
  • R = |2, |?, |-, ]]2 []2 ][2
  • S = 5, $
  • T = 7, +, ']‘, 7`, ~|~, -|-, ‘][', "|", †
  • U = (_), |_|, \_\, /_/, \_/, []_[], ]_[, µ
  • V = \/ , \\//
  • W = \/\/, |/\|, [/\], (/\), VV, ///, \^/, \\/\//, 1/\/, \/1/, 1/1/
  • X = ><, }{, )(, }[
  • Y = ‘/, %, `/, \j , “//, ¥, j, \|/, -/
  • Z = 2, z, 7_,`/_
  • Juan Carlos García !!!! ja!!!
and tomorrow R00t5...MORE, MORE, MORE.....ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

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